How to Airdrop NFTs Using Emails With Paper

How to Airdrop NFTs Using Emails With Paper

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own a rare collection of postcard stamps? One of my friends has an exclusive, rare collection of stamps from 1956. Each stamp tells its own story, representing a moment in time and a piece of history. The value of an original creation is much greater than what can be expected digitally. He wants to digitize the collection, but anyone could easily replicate it, with no means to verify its authenticity. This was the challenge faced by the world of digital art and collectibles prior to the advent of NFTs.

However, with NFTs, digital collectibles can now be verified as unique and distinctive creations. Just like a rare postcard stamp, an NFT represents a piece of history, and its value can be preserved and appreciated by collectors. In fact, NFTs have opened up an entirely new marketplace for collectors, with digital art and collectibles now being sold for millions of dollars.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

Imagine you have created a one-of-a-kind painting. You could sell it for a significant sum, right? That's because it's unique and cannot be exactly replicated. NFTs are like digital versions of distinctive paintings.

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a digital asset that cannot be exchanged for another because it's unique. Just like a painting, it has its own value and authenticity. With NFTs, you can create your own collection of unique digital assets. You could create a collection of digital art pieces or even postcard stamps. And once you've created your collection, you can sell or trade it with others, just as you would with physical collectibles.

Suppose you want to give away NFTs to the audience who attended your event at ETH CC. That's where NFT airdrops come in. An airdrop is like a giveaway—you can easily send it to anyone with an email or wallet address. We handle this process for you. Using Paper, you can effortlessly send your NFTs via email to anyone you desire. Are you excited to create your first NFT collection? Let's get started!🧑🏻‍🌾

Create an NFT Collection using Paper

To begin, we need to set up our account and complete our profile by providing the required details. Start by going to and clicking on the "Dashboard" button.

To use the Paper service, you must create a new account or sign in if you already have one. You will see a prompt similar to the following:

Fill in the necessary details and click on the "Create Account" button. You will receive an OTP to complete the sign-up process.

Now you are in the dashboard and need to set up your profile before using any Paper services. By clicking the "Get Started" button, you will be redirected to the account section.

Once you've completed the profile section with the necessary information, navigate to the "Send Airdrops" page.

Let's create our first NFT and send it to the list of attendees🥁

After completing your profile, it will no longer be sandboxed, which means you can enjoy Paper services. To begin creating an NFT collection, click the "Send New Airdrop" button.

I have entered the collection details (metadata of the NFT, such as name, description, and image) and provided the list of attendees in CSV format using the same schema as specified. Alternatively, you can also add recipients manually one by one. Behind the scenes, Paper will take care of everything from deploying smart contracts to registering them on their platform.

This is the CSV format that I am using to send airdrops after creating a collection.👇

This is how your CSV will look when uploaded.

After pressing the "Send" button, voilà! You have sent your first airdrop to your fellow attendees.👏 Now, how will they be able to claim this NFT?

Getting to know the user scenario for claiming an NFT 🎁

The recipient will receive an email from Paper that looks like the following. They should click on the "Claim NFT" button.

You will be prompted to continue with the same email address. It will create a wallet for you behind the scenes, so you don't have to remember anything. The Paper will take care of everything for you, you just need to sign in every time with the same email address.

You will receive an OTP to verify the email. You can claim the NFT by clicking on the button after completing authentication.

The attendees' wallets will receive your NFT once the successful purchase has been completed. As shown below, you can check this by navigating to your wallet:

To see the recently claimed NFT, click on "Show Test NFTs" located in the middle of the Paper Wallet page. Since we have implemented this on the testnet network, you can purchase the Paper enterprise plan if you wish to go live on the mainnet. Check it out on OpenSea as well – it looks amazing!💥


You have completed the whole tutorial. Give yourself a pat on the back. You have learned

  • About NFT and Paper

  • How to set up an account in Paper

  • How to create and airdrop NFTs via email using Paper

  • How recipients will receive the NFTs

💥 Simply WOW 💥

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